C# programs for some simple cryptography examples (Free .NET runtime needed to run the executables)
*NOTE* All ciphertext is assumed in upper case letters.
These probably work, they are all run from the command line in Windows, therefore you *must* download them first and invoke them from the command line.
Prints out all 12*26 possible plaintexts for a given ciphertext, give the ciphertext (no spaces) as an argument on the command line
Affine Cipher Encryption and Decryption
Gives the ciphertext. Three arguments required, plaintext with no spaces, the multiplicative constant, and the additive constant. To decrypt, use the ciphertext and the appropriate constants for decryption.
Simply prints out all 25 possibilities for a simple shift cipher. Give ciphertext as argument.
Find the gcd(a,b) using Euclid's algorithm. Give a and b on the command line.
Finds the algebraic group "z_n star" for a given n. Gives all numbers less than n that are relatively prime to n.
Gives the primitive roots of the integer specified.
Vigenere Encryption and Decryption
Encrypts (and decrypts) the common Vigenere cipher. Give the text (no spaces) and the key as arguments.
Finds words in a dictionary matching the pattern of a given word. What are word patterns? Each unique letter in a word is given a unique token. For instance, 'bed' has pattern 'ABC', but 'bedtime' has pattern 'ABCDEFB'. 'Creeped' has pattern 'ABCCDCE'. This program takes as input a file name of a (presumably large) dictionary file, and the word pattern. It then prints all words from the dictionary file that match the given pattern. Program is to be used for cracking a general substitution cipher.
Program sources in C# found here.