Styx in concert (7/5/2000)
You can watch this concert online at House of Blues!
Wednesday, July 5, 2000
Summer Fest - Harley-Davidson
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Reviewed by Dan
James Young - Guitar, Vocals
Tommy Shaw - Guitar, Vocals
Todd Sucherman - Drums
Glen Burtnik - Bass
Lawrence Gowan - Keyboards, Vocals
And when you least expect it -- special guest
STYX man -- Chuck Panozzo - Bass!
I called Ben up on the fourth of July and said "Hey Ben, Styx is playing
tomorrow, want to go see them?" Ben, being the wise man that he is,
said "sure!" Little did he know that the concert would take
place three and a half hours away in Milwaukee! Wednesday night came quick
(I took off of work early) and arrived at Ben's house around 4:00. After
cleaning up some cement mix, we left in Big Red to pick up the suba, pulling out
of Stevens Point around 5:30. We drove down I39 to I90/94 straight to the
summerfest grounds on Lake Michigan. Yet to buy tickets, a nice fellow
offered us a pair at half price, to which we obliged.
We were inside the summerfest grounds
at last with 30 minutes until the 9:30 showtime! Plenty of time if you
have an assigned seat on the ticket. The Roadhouse was first-come,
first-serve. We pushed our way up to the front to find that there were
absolutely no seats. Not wanting to stand in the back, we just stood right
in front in the aisle. It began to rain. We hoped some people would
leave their seats, but to our surprise, every single person there pulled out a
rain poncho! We were the ones getting soaked, standing in the aisle.
The rain let up just before the show began, 3 minute hero's had already
wrapped up their act. The crowds awaited the music of Styx!
Set List:
1. Everything is cool - Brave New World (1999)
2. Grand Illusion - The Grand Illusion (1979)
Tommy Shaw's introduction
"Hello Friends! Styx is in Milwaukee tonight baby! Not only that,
people all over the world are listening to us right now on the internet!
so say hello to the world Milwaukee!
Hello to everybody in Japan and Germany and Australia and everyone that is
listening to us right now. i don't know about them, but I believe you came here
for a rock show, right! Are you ready? well lets get it on!"
3. Blue Collar Man - Pieces of Eight (1978)
James "JY" Young
"Awh yeah! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be back in the beer
capital of the universe! the opening song this evening is from our new cd
entitled 'brave new world'. We will be doing more from that in a while,
but right now from 1975!"
4. Lorelei - Equinox (1975)
Tommy Shaw
"Thank you so much. Got a special friend of ours who drove in to see you
from Chicago tonight, our original bass player Chuck Panozzo, come on out!
We are going to play a song that we recorded in 1977 on an album called the
grand illusion. This album changed our world, and that world is still
changing, a song called fooling yourself."
5. Fooling Yourself - The Grand Illusion (1977)
James "JY" Young
"The new millennium is here, there will be a place for each and every
one of us in the brave new world."
6. Brave New World - Brave New World (1999)
Lawrence Gowan, Tickles the ivories
"Hello Milwaukee! OOOOOOO.. Beautiful night. Ohhh yeah! Wooh! we love
that! Allright."
7. Lady - Styx II (1973)
Lawrence Gowan
"Thank you, Alright!"
Glen Burtnik
"Day O, Somebody tell me that Milwaukeeans like to sing
Day O,
Day O,
Day O Wee O,
Day O Wee O Wee O,
You know, maybe it is where i am standing or but is it my imagination that this
side of the crowd is a little
more enthusiastic about us singing."
"O no no no no no, This side. This side is more enthusiastic over here."
Glen Burtnik
"Check it out. What do you guys think over here? What was that?
you Know what i am saying? I don't know, alright. Maybe it is where i am
standing. I'm standing in a funny place over here. Hey, how you doing back there
over by the beer tents? Can i hear you back there? Hey up on the Harley
Davidson thing that is about to fall down cause you guys are all drinking so
much. whats happening up there yo? And look, we got people like hanging
on, what are those things, sky ride or something ok, lets try this all
together. lets all get along, we all love each other, right? Say right. I want
everyone to turn to your neighbor on your right and kiss them! Ahh, never mind
that. anyway, we are going to do right now
Day O
Day O
Day O Wee O,
Nah, Nah nah nah nah, Milwaukee
Nah, Nah nah nah nah, do it again
O yeah! All right! OK! Ah Ha! ahwu ahwu!
damn, its like the Milwaukee tabernacle choir on beer!
Man its loud, you guys are happening, happening, happening, happening,
happening! And we are only half way through baby! Right now we are going to do a
song, it is the title track of of the 1990 Styx album. I was feeling very sad
and melancholy and wrote this very sensitive love song, goes like this."
8. Edge of the Century - Edge of the Century (1990) /
Mr. Roboto - Kilroy Was Here (1983)
"Livin on the Edge of the cen-tury
We all survived the Y2K
Alto of people stirring up a lot of irrational fears, that kind of shit just
causes problems. In our own career back in 1981 when the paradise theater album
was number one album in this country! people's irrational fears lead them to
falsly accuse us of putting backwards satanic messages on this next track. i
suppose they decided to us because Marilyn Manson hadn't been born yet? from the
paradise theater album, snow Blind"
9. Snow Blind - Paradise Theater (1981)
Tommy Shaw
"You know, Sometimes it feels like we just started doing this yesterday,
you know. We've been doing this a long time, and ah, i tell you what made me
think about it was cause today, and i hate to admit this, today i actually found
a crystal ball over where i was getting some coffee, and i shook it up, and i
tried to read the thing and i realized, I CAN'T SEE IT! i need glasses!
but 1975 i had one of these things and i shook it up cause i wanted to see what
was going to be going on right now. And it says, in the year 2000, i could
read it then, that in the year 2000, Captian kirk will have his own band
on television and he will be playing 2 tickets to paradise by eddie money. How
bout that shit!
When i wrote this song back then, and ah, wound up being the first song that i
got to record with Styx and the title track of the first album so it has been
very good for me. I hope it is for you tonight. A little song called Crystal
10. Crystal Ball - Crystal Ball (1976)
"Are you ready!
Im not sure you heard me the first time
in the land of the Green Bay Packers, are you ready!
are you ready for miss america!"
11. Miss America - The Grand Illusion (1977)
Tommy Shaw
"Come on, keep it going!"
12. Too much time on my hands - Paradise Theater (1981)
Lawrence Gowan
"Oh yeah, you people were incredible tonight, you know that. enjoyed
yourselves? We enjoyed having you enjoy yourselves! So, how would you like to
sing one more? Ill take that as a yes"
13. Come Sail Away - The Grand Illusion (1977)
Tommy Shaw
"Alright Milwaukee
You let the world know who knows how to rock tonight, you know that
On keyboards and vocals, Lawrence Gowan
On Bass Guitar and vocals, Glen Burtnik
On Bass Guitar and vocals, Chuck Panozzo
On the drums, Todd Sucherman
On Lead Guitar and vocals, James "JY" Young
I'm Tommy Shaw and we are Styx
And you my friends look like you could use a little more, and it just so
happens, we got more!"
a little of ZZ Top - Tush
14. Renegade - Pieces of Eight (1978)
Tommy Shaw
"did everyone have a good time tonight? Let me hear you say yeah!
Way back here in the back, let me hear you say yeah!
Over here on the sides everybody hear you say yeah!
and everybody all together let me hear you say yeah!
I tell you what! Were going to have to, the only thing i can think to do
is for us to come back and see you real soon, what do you say?
Or better yet, everybody pile on the bus and we'll go to buffalo and do it again
tomorrow night!
You want to take my picture? You got to give it to them."
a little "we got to go now" song/jam
After the concert, Ben and I cruised the back streets of west Milwaukee
looking for a tasty beverage to top off the evening. After a somewhat long
search (midnight on a Wednesday), we were rewarded with our cold ones.
Then it was back on I90/94 to Madison then I39 back home. I think we got
home around 3:30am. I went to work at 8 the next day.
Brave New World
1999 |
Return to Paradise
1997 |
Styx Greatest Hits Part 2
1996 |
Styx Greatest Hits
1995 |
Edge of the Century
1990 |
Styx Classics
1987 |
Caught in the Act
1984 |
Kilroy Was Here
1983 |
Paradise Theater
1981 |
1979 |
Pieces of Eight
1978 |
The Grand Illusion
1977 |
Best of Styx
1977 |
Crystal Ball
1976 |
1975 |
Man of Miracles
1974 |
Styx II
1973 |
The Serpent is Rising
1973 |
1972 |