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2020 East Avenue Memories (8/14/2001)

A tribute to my best friends
May 21st to August 16th, 88 days.
by Dan Smith

friend n. - A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

Although the definition is easy, friendships are not always as easily described. We are merely allowed simple adjectives to describe our closest relationships. A good friend, my close friend, best friend, a childhood friend, and dear friend simply are not enough. However it is impossible to deny the nearly infinite meaning in such simple words.  Below are my memories of August 14th, 2001, a day that I spent in the company of my best friends.  However August 14th was just one out of 88 splendid days that I lived at 2020 East.

I had these pictures put onto a photo CD, so if anyone would like the high resolution copies, just let me know.

The boat ride

Tubing on the river has at all times been enjoyable, however that afternoon was superb.  The sun was gleaming as we set out onto the river.  Jeremy, Alex, Beth, Holly, Anne, and I took the boat out and had a spectacular time.   Beth even managed to get up on the water skis, a feat that impressed me to the highest degree seeing as I had a difficult time last I tried.  This day we even remembered to bring along the cokes.

Alex and Jeremy on the boat

Beth, Holly, and Anne pose for my picture

Alex and Holly playing on the dock.  No, she didn't go in. ;-)

The cookout

What afternoon would be complete without a grill out? This afternoon wouldn’t, that’s for sure. Davey and I picked up the big grill and carried it back to 2020 East. Under Jeremy’s “supervision”, Ben and Davey put in a new burner and we were soon feasting on bratwursts!

Jeremy "supervises" Davey and Ben installing the grill assembly.

Ben has the brats!

Smile for me!

We feasted on bratwurst into the hours of darkness. Once everyone had their fill of broiled cow it was time for some pictures!

Steve sitting on the front porch of the 2020 East complex.

Josh, our "guy on the couch".

Trish, striking a pose.

Alex, winning the oversized shirt contest.

Jeremy, looking more sultry than Katie Holmes in a fashion shoot!

A picture of me, with red eyes instead of blue.

Alex is going to miss me :-(

Now for something completely different, pictures of everyone!

Hey world, these are my best friends!

Thanks to the kid on the bike, I managed to get in on this one :-)

Anne is riding Jeremy!

Here Anne has just kissed Trish, and Trish looks happy! ;-)

At the movies

Now that I had taken my share of pictures, we were off to see a movie!  This one time, at band camp…  ask Anne!

Ben, Alex, and Trish stuck with me till the very end!  Where did the others run off to???


Back at the house, Ben had a score to settle with Davey and Dictionary.com.

Ben and Davey arm wrestle over the meaning of celibate, Davey was "right".

My best friends

Before I could comprehend what had happened, the day had left me. Tomorrow I would be leaving my friends. I took this as a sign that more pictures were required.

Everybody say, ehr.. wait, I didn't say that.  Just smile =D

Ok, now everyone kiss Benny!

I don't think anyone actually did, and he was so excited!

Jeremy, I'm going to miss you so much, er, wait a minute...

Goodbye Alex!  I like the shirt! ;-)

Bye Trish!  I'll miss you!  Your so sweet!

Bye Davey! Come here you big felon!

Bye Ben! I hope that is the second layer!

Hot Hot Hot

Now my pictures were all gone, but wait! There is one left!

Looks hot to me!


As nighttime slowly raised its head upon us, I said my goodbyes to these people to whom I am closest in the world. Although it is sad to leave, I know that the goodbyes I spoke are not everlasting, but merely well wishes until I see them all again. Best friends are forever.



Dedicated to my friends who are my 2020 East memories.

Ben, Jeremy, Alex, Davy, Steve, Trish, Anne, Erik, Sarah, Kayla, Mike, Scott, Josh, Jenna, Lisa, Tracy, Kimmy, and Sara!


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